Exams at One
If you would like to get in touch with the exams team, please email one-exams@easterneducationgroup.ac.uk
Exams Timetable
A Level Results Summer 2025
Coming soon.
Post Results
Not sure what to do once you've had your results? These guides will help:
If you've sat exams during January 2025
Post Results Services Information for students and parents / carers
Reminder of how to access to your exam results
Non-Examination Assessments
NEA Information for Candidates 2024-2025
Exam Information
Please find below links to the awarding bodies websites where you will be able to find information about exams.
All students should familiarise themselves with these documents and rules:
- AI Use in Assessments
- Social Media Information for Candidates
- Coursework Assessments
- Non-Examination Assessments
- On-Screen Examinations
- Written Examinations
- Privacy Notice
- Unauthorised Items
- Warning to Candidates
Exams Assist
If you are taking exams this academic year, please make sure you have checked your entries, personal information and any allocated access arrangements on the Exams Assist portal.
Guidance for Logging in to Exams Assist
Absence or Lateness during Exams
If you are going to be absent from an exam, or will be arriving late, it is important that you contact the college as soon as possible. You must either:
- Contact your PPT directly
- Contact your subject teacher
- Contact Exams via email to one-exams@easterneducationgroup.ac.uk
The A-Z of Exams
We have compiled a useful A-Z guide which contains everything you need to know about exams at One Sixth Form College. Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with this. If you have any questions or are unsure about anything, please speak to a member of Exams staff who will be happy to help.
Collecting Certificates
2024 Summer Certificates are now available to collect from Reception.
- Reception is open Mon-Friday 830am-4pm. If possible, please avoid 9-9.30am.
- If you are collecting your own certificate, please bring photo ID.
- If someone is collecting on your behalf, please email certcollection@suffolkone.ac.uk with the name of the person collecting. They will need to bring their own photo ID.
- We can post certificates to you at a payment of £7. Please pay for this on EVOLVEshop. Once paid, please email certcollection@suffolkone.ac.uk with your payment reference number and the address.
Please note:
- You only get one copy of your exam certificates, keep them safe. If you need replacements in the future, the exam bodies will charge.
- Certificates may be destroyed after a year.
- You will only receive a certificate if you have completed the course.
- If you received a U for any subjects, a certificate is not issued.
For any certificate collections older than 2024 please contact one-exams@easterneducationgroup.ac.uk
Candidate permission form (doc)
Replacement Exam Certificates
If you have had your official certificates, have now misplaced them and now require replacements, you will need to contact the exam boards directly. Please be aware that the boards do charge a fee for this service.
Exam Revision Advice
As exam seasons approach we want to offer students some hints and tips on study skills and exams revision.
It is important to think about your study skills when starting to revise for your exams. Reflecting on the way you learn, revise and retain information are important things to think about in order to prepare for your exams.
Study Reflection - Why is it important?
Reflecting helps you to develop your skills and review their effectiveness, rather than just carry on doing things as you have always done them. It is about questioning, in a positive way, what you do and why you do it and then deciding whether there is a better, or more efficient, way of doing it in the future.
In any role, whether at home or at work, reflection is an important part of learning. When we learn we can become stuck in a routine that may not be working effectively. Thinking about your own skills can help you identify changes you might need to make.
Reflective questions to ask yourself:
- Strengths – What are my strengths? For example, am I well organised? Do I remember things
- Weaknesses – What are my weaknesses? For example, am I easily distracted? Do I need more practice with a particular skill?
- Skills – What skills do I have and what am I good at?
- Problems – What problems are there at work/home that may affect me? For example, responsibilities or distractions that may impact on study or work.
- Achievements – What have I achieved?
- Happiness – Are there things that I am unhappy with or disappointed about? What makes me happy?
- Solutions – What could I do to improve in these areas?
Learning Styles
Find out what learning style best suits you before you start your revision.
- Visual – learning best by seeing
- Aural/Auditory – learning best by listening
- Read/Write – learning best by information displayed by words
- Kinaesthetic – learning best by doing
Top exam tips
Start early:
Don’t leave it too late to start your revision. Make sure you give yourself enough time to plan your revision so you are not rushing to fit everything in.
Draw up a revision timetable:
Research has shown that working in 20-30 minute blocks can help keep your concentration high. It’s good to take short, frequent breaks to keep your focus. Make sure to test yourself with past papers so you are familiar with the format of the questions asked.
Find a suitable study space:
Make sure you find a study space that means you can work without getting distracted and can work without being interrupted. Using friends and family to test you and give you feedback on your answers.
Make notes:
This is the best way to memorise lots of information, sitting and read textbook after textbook won’t help you to retain the information you need. Use bright coloured pens and notelets to help you identify key pieces of information.
Making sure you take time for physical activity is important. Exercise will help ensure your brain gets oxygen, keep your blood pressure low and is a great release for any exam stress.
The night before the exam:
Try not to revise the night before the exam, you will stress yourself trying to cram in last minute revision. Try to relax and get an early night’s sleep.
The day of the exam:
Don’t think about passing or failing, try to stay calm and keep a clear head. Now is the time for all your hard work and revision to pay off, stay calm in the exam and the information you have studied will be easier to remember.
Reports on results
Coming soon.