
SEND Services

There are a variety of support options available at One to ensure students are successful with their learning and can achieve what they desire. For example, we can support with exam access arrangements, individual need adjustments and in and out of class support. The SEND Services team are happy to personalise your support and enable you to get the most out of your time in college.

Please get in contact with the SEND Services Team: 

  • If you would like to make us aware of any Special Educational Needs.
  • If you have any concerns about your transition or the support, you may require at One.
  • If you have any documents you would like to pass onto us, such as Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), Medical care plans, Diagnosis Reports, proof of exam Access arrangements from High School.

Inclusive Learning Manager | Kate Wilkinson |


Apply for a mainstream course

Apply for a Supported Learning course

Local Offer and SEN policy

Local services available for young people with special educational needs.

SEN Policy

All policies

Frequently asked questions

How do I know if I have the support in place?

Please contact the SEND Team to clarify your specific requirements.

What do I do if I need more support when I start?

Please send us an email and we will do our best to support you. If you require a little more help and you have already started, please get in contact with your PPT who will arrange the correct support with us. 

I need to use the lift; What do I do to make sure I have this?

Please contact the SEND team and we will happily arrange this for you.

I often feel overwhelmed and like to find somewhere quiet, is there somewhere I can go?

We have many break out quiet spaces around the college. Speak to your personal progress tutor and they can direct you to the nearest space, and will happily book this out for your regular use.

I need to use public transport but I’m not sure of the route I need to follow.

Our Travelling to Campus page will help you to find the best route you need. Should you need support in locating where the pickup point at college is, contact us and we will be happy to show you.

I have an EHCP. How do I know if you have this?

The Local Authority will usually pass this onto us; however, we are always happy to accept copies of this. Please email or get in contact with us. 

I would like a transition visit, is this possible?

Please contact the SEND team and we will happily arrange this with you. 

I have medication to support my additional needs and will need to bring some with me to college. What do I do?

Please keep your medication with you, so you have it to hand. If you cannot hold this yourself or your medication requires cold storage for example then please speak with your PPT on your first day. Medication would need to be signed in and out by you in the college's secure storage. 

What do I do if I need access arrangements?

If you think you require access arrangements speak to your Personal Progress Tutor or your lecturer and they will contact learning support who will arrange an assessment for you.