Student Life at One

Extended Opportunities across the Eastern Education Group

Across the Eastern Education Group, students can extend their knowledge outside the curriculum through various educational experiences including events, work experience, clubs and societies and educational visits. 

Clubs and Societies at One

Clubs play a vital role in college life. While students attend college primarily to learn and succeed academically, we recognise that those who really enjoy college life are often engaged in a variety of enrichment activities. These activities not only allow students to acquire new skills, but also offer opportunities to create friendships, unwind, and have a good time - all of which contribute to overall success.

The diverse range of clubs and societies offered across the group enhances and expands the curriculum and participation is open to all students, regardless of the course you’re studying. From established groups such as Dungeons and Dragons, LGBTQ+, Politics and Debating, to subject specific activities such as Astronomy and Creative Writing, there’s something for everyone to be involved in.

To find out more about our current clubs, please see the enrichment timetable below.

View our enrichment timetable

Student Leadership

Within the group, students have the chance to take the lead within their curriculum areas and extra-curricular activities, as student ambassadors and student union officers. These students:

  • Represent the college at open events, host tours with parents and prospective students
  • Act as a role model for both current and prospective students
  • Embody college ethos and values
  • Take an active role in the community and at external events
  • Support and lead within subject areas

Life at One

'We encourage our students to contribute to college life and to enjoy its many opportunities. The college has a happy and purposeful atmosphere, and there is a real sense of partnership between students and staff.'

You will have access to a variety of student groups, societies and associations. Whether you want to meet new people, continue a hobby, learn something new or just get involved in student life, there is something for you. There will be opportunities for you to participate in a variety of activities outside your timetabled lessons encompassing music, drama, sport, gym and fitness, Duke of Edinburgh and much more. In recent years we have offered additional qualifications such as GCSE Astronomy as part of our offer to students.

One Timetable

The College timetable generally spans Monday-Friday, 9.30am-3.45pm. Lunch is from 12.00pm - 1.15pm. Most students will receive around 20 hours of teaching each week. This is supplemented by additional study time when students can work independently either in the college Learning Resource Centre or if they prefer may work from home. If students fall behind in their academic studies they will be advised that they have to attend Supervised Study sessions, these are supportive and aim to get students ‘back on track’.

Student Timetable

We provide students with a timetable at the beginning of the year. It is recommended that you become familiar with this schedule as we feel a parent’s access to timetable information can help students manage their education. You will have electronic access to student timetables and information on attendance.

Part time jobs

Many students have part-time jobs, which provide some income and also encourage independence. However, it is essential that college work comes first. If a student takes on too much, it can affect their academic progress.

Therefore we recommend that students should not undertake paid or voluntary work for more than ten hours per week.


We strongly advise against students taking holidays within term time as this has a negative impact on their attendance and attainment, holidays taken during term time will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. If family holidays are planned in term time, please write to their Personal Progress Tutor in advance. It is important to note that attendance during the Summer Term is crucial for examinations and final assessment.

Educational Visits

An exceptional range of trips are available to students within the group, ranging from sporting events and competitions to curriculum-aligned activities, workshops and visits to universities and businesses. These opportunities give students the chance to broaden their horizons, enhance interpersonal skills and develop their resilience.

Over the last year, students from across the group have visited countries such as Thailand, Nepal, Vietnam, Tanzania and South Korea. Many of these experiences have been linked to the United Nations sustainability goals, providing students with opportunity to volunteer and fundraise for charity.