College Closure - Friday 15 March
We are sorry to report that earlier this morning a small fire was detected at One. No one has been harmed, the fire has been extinguished, the damage is relatively minor, and it is contained within the area of the kitchen. However, due to the implementation of the sprinkler system, a significant quantity of water was released into parts of the Turquoise zone.
Therefore, due to the need to refill the sprinkler tanks, the fire brigade has advised that we will need to close the college to students today (Friday 15 March 2024).
Lessons will be cancelled today (onsite or online), but we intend to resume teaching from Monday next week.
If any students have already embarked on their journeys, then staff will be at college to assist them.
We will be in touch again shortly with further information.
One Sixth Form College will re-open on Monday 18 March 2024
However, because of damage to the main kitchen, there’ll only be cold food available from the Refectory and Bistro for the next two weeks.
The fire caused some minor damage, but the building has been checked and cleared for us to fully open again on Monday.