Support for Students, Parents and Guardians
We believe that is important to involve you in the programme of study chosen by your son/daughter or young person in your care and we offer excellent support and advice for parents throughout the year.
All students at One have their own Personal Progress Tutor. They have the knowledge of all of our students and their chosen course of study at One.
Personal Progress Tutors are responsible for monitoring the academic achievement, attendance and motivation of all students.
If the Personal Progress Tutor has any concerns he or she will contact you. Similarly, if you have any concerns you should contact him or her.
Our commitment to our students and to parents/carers of students under the age of 18 years means that you will:
- Have access to a report of attendance, progress and achievement information
- Be given the opportunity to discuss the progress being made by your son, daughter, young person in your care with his or her Personal Progress Tutor or other appropriate person
- Be informed at an early stage of any significant issues
- Be informed of unexplained absences and persistent lateness