The Institute of Directors

The Institute of Directors Student Membership Scheme is a prestigious and exclusive link held between the IoD and Suffolk One Sixth Form College. Gaining one of the 14 places on the Student Membership Scheme will allow you to have access to company directors, networking events, valuable work experience opportunities and make important links to potential employers. This is a highly sought after opportunity that will look amazing on your CV and at an interview. You will not only make link with top companies, directors but also participate in workshops on public speaking, effective networking, CV/interview practice and many more. As part of being a student member of the IoD you will organise the Student Leadership Conference as a team, drawing on your links and skills learnt throughout the scheme. 


Strive "Women in Business" is an opportunity for female students and male allies across the subject to understand the barriers that women still face in industry today. Students will have the opportunity to network with successful business owners from small and large organisations to provide the skills and knowledge required to inspire the female leaders of the future. 


At One we pride ourselves on developing the whole student. We have tools in place to develop the "Three Pillars" that students require in order to stand out from the crowd. These three pillars are Qualifications, Connections and Character Strengths. Our Business students have the opportunity to take part in weekly meeting where they will meet the numerous links we have developed with employers, universities and apprenticeship providers. They will be able to develop the skills and knowledge required to stand out from the crowd and put them in the best position possible to be a success when they leave us.